Commercial Cleaning Services

Reception Area Deep Cleaning

Overall Office Deep Cleaning

Office Washroom Deep Cleaning

We provides highly reliable corporate office cleaning services In Pune to ensure safe, clean and healthy working space. We have the most competent team to handle the essential requirement for your office cleaning. We are Having right cleaning team and skilled Staff, we always try to deliver the highest quality in office cleaning services to fulfil client’s requirement.

Bhumii Cleaning Services do not outsource for any services. Our own skilled and well-trained cleaners do the office cleaning to achieve 100% customer satisfaction.

Why Book Us ?

Well-trained and background verified crew
Effective and affordable service provided
Thorough cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection
Use of safe and eco-friendly disinfectants, polishers and cleansers
Use only Grade A equipment and tools for the job
Save both your time & money
Best quality service according to client’s requirement